IN PROGRESS - API reference


Several guides have been written on the project wiki to present how to use the puliclient API.


class puliclient.Graph[source]
Data structure to submit to Puli server.
It describes one or several tasks that will be executer on the renderfarm.
__init__(name, root=None, user=None, poolName='default', maxRN=-1, tags={})[source]
Create a new graph object with given name and parameters.
If root is given, it will be attached to the graph (wether it is a task or a taskgroup).
It root is not specified a default taskgroup will be created as the root node.
  • name – a string describing the graph
  • root – optionnal node to be attached to the graph
  • user – the owner of the graph
  • poolName – a pool of rendernodes to use for this execution
  • maxRN – a max number of concurrent rendernodes to use


Adds a task or a taskgroup to the graph’s root.
If the graph root is a task, an error is raised.
Parameters:pElem (Task or TaskGroup) – the node to attach to the graph
Returns:a reference to the attached node
addChain(pEdgeChain, pEndStatusList=[3])[source]
Create edges to the current graph.
Edges are given as a list of element to link as a chain.
Example chain: [ taskA, taskB, taskC, ... ]
Elements to chain can be either Tasks or TaskGroups.
A connection error is raised if the edge chain or status list are
not properly formatted.
  • pEdgeList – List of elements indicating nodes to be chained in the given order
  • pEndStatusList – A list of end status to be defined for every connections

a boolean indicating if the connections have been executed corretly



Create edges to the current graph.
Edges are given as a list of element, with each elem being a
sequence of: sourceNode, destNode and status
example edge list: [ (taskA, taskB), (taskA, taskC, [ERROR]), ... ]
Parameters:pEdgeList – List of elements indicating the source and dest node and a list of ending status (source, desti, [endStatus])
Returns:a boolean indicating if the connections have been executed corretly

Add a list of nodes to the graph’s root.

Parameters:pElemList – list of nodes (task or taskgroup)
addNewCallable(targetCall, name='', user_args=(), user_kwargs={}, **kwargs)[source]
Wraps around TaskGroup method to add a new Task. It accepts any callable
to run on the renderfarm. Additionnal Task arguments can be added as keyword args
  • targetCall – callable to be serialized and run on the render farm
  • name – optionnal task name (if not defined, method or function name will be used)
  • user_args – a list or tuple representing formal arguments to use with the callable
  • user_kwargs – a dict representing keyword arguments to use with the callable
addNewTask(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Creates a new task and attach it to the graph’s root.
If the graph root is a task, an error is raised.
  • args – standard Task arguments
  • kwargs – keyword Task arguments

a reference to the attached node



addNewTaskGroup(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Creates a new taskgroup and attach it to the graph’s root.
If the graph root is a task, an error is raised
  • args – standard TaskGroup arguments
  • kwargs – keyword TaskGroup arguments

a reference to the attached node



Emulate the execution of a command on a worker node.
2 possible execution mode: with a subprocess or direct
- Calls the “” script used by the worker process to keep a similar behaviour
Command output and error messages are left in stdout/stderr to give the user a proper feedback of its command
- Create CommandWatcherObject in current exec
Parameters:pCommand – dict containing the command description and arguments
Raise:GraphExecInterrupt when a keyboard interrupt is raised
Prepare a graph representation to execute locally.
The following steps will be executed :
1. Prepare the graph representation with GraphDumper
2. Parse the representation to extract all commands in a single list in "id" order
   Several attribute of the task are stored with each command (taksid, end, dependencies...)
3. While there are some "ready" command
  3.1 Parse ready commands
        Execute command
  3.2 Parse blocked commands
        Check dependencies and increment "nbReadyAfterCheck" counter
  3.3 If nbReadyAfterCheck == 0
        BREAK the while loop
4. Write summary and return
Returns:the final state of the graph
Return type:int
Prepare a graph representation to be sent to the server or executed
locally. Several steps must be taken:
- parse graph to resolve dependencies on taskgroups
- parse graph to expand/decompose tasks and taskgroups
submit(host='puliserver', port=8004)[source]
Prepare a graph representation and send it to the server.
- prepare graph
- use GraphDumper class to serialize it into a JSON representation
- submit data via http
  • str (host) – server name to connect to
  • int (port) – server port to connect to

A tuple with the server response ie. (‘SERVER_URL/nodes/Id’, ‘Graph created. Created nodes: ...’)




class puliclient.TaskGroup[source]

A node of a graph that can contain other nodes: taskgroups or tasks

__init__(name, expander=None, arguments={}, tags={}, environment={}, timer=None, priority=0, dispatchKey=0)[source]
addNewCallable(targetCall, name='', user_args=(), user_kwargs={}, **kwargs)[source]
Wraps around TaskGroup method to add a new Task. It accepts any callable
to run on the renderfarm. Additionnal Task arguments can be added as keyword args
It uses the internal “CallableRunner” to reload arguments and execute the callable.
  • targetCall – callable to be serialized and run on the render farm
  • name – optionnal task name (if not defined, method or function name will be used)
  • user_args – a list or tuple representing positionnal arguments to use with the callable
  • user_kwargs – a dict representing keyword arguments to use with the callable
addNewTask(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a task with given args and add it to the current TaskGroup.

  • args – standard Task arguments
  • kwargs – keyword Task arguments

a reference on the created item


GraphError if task creation failed

addNewTaskGroup(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Creates a task group with given args and add it to the TaskGroup.

  • args – standard Task arguments
  • kwargs – keyword Task arguments

a reference on the created item


GraphError if task group creation failed


Add the task given as parameter to the current TaskGroup.

Parameters:task – task object to add to the hierarchy

Add the taskgroup given as parameter to the current TaskGroup.

Parameters:taskGroup – a taskgroup to add to the hierarchy
classmethod createFromTask(task)[source]

Creates a taskgroup from a task given in parameter

Parameters:task – task model
Returns:a new taskgroup
dependsOn(task, statusList=[3])[source]
Create a dependency constraint between the current node and the given
task or taskGroup at a particular status.
  • task – a Task or a TaskGroup to dependsOn
  • statusList – a list of statuses to be reached (any of it) to validate the dependency
Expands a taskgroup hierarchy.
- first expand itself
- then expand or decompose its children (taskgroup or tasks)
Parameters:hierarchy – the hierarchy root node
Returns:a reference to itself

Sets taskgroup environment dict with the given param.

Parameters:pEnv – the new environment

Updates the tag dicitonnary for this element.

Parameters:pTags – a dict of tags (with existing or new values)


class puliclient.Task[source]
A node of the graph that can contain commands i.e. processes that will be
executed on a rendernode.
__init__(name, arguments, runner='', decomposer='', dependencies={}, maxRN=0, priority=0, dispatchKey=0, environment={}, validator='0', minNbCores=1, maxNbCores=0, ramUse=0, requirements={}, lic='', tags={}, timer=None, maxAttempt=1)[source]
A task contains one or more command to be executed on the render farm.
The parameters that will be used to create commands (the process of
decomposing) are the following: arguments, runner and decomposer
Other params are mainly used on the Task, to handle matching and
dispatching on the server.
  • str (lic) – A simple text identifier
  • dict (tags) – a dictionnary of arguments for the command
  • str – class that will be responsible for the job execution
  • decomposer – class responsible to create commands relative to this task
  • dependencies – a list of nodes and result status from which the current task depends on
  • int (timer) – the maximum number of workers to assign to this task
  • priority – deprecated
  • int – indicate the priority for this task
  • dict – A set of env values
  • validator – deprecated
  • minNbCores – deprecated
  • maxNbCores – deprecated
  • int – the amount of RAM in megabytes needed on a render node to be assigned with a command of this task
  • requirements – deprecated
  • str – a flag indicating one or several licence token to reserve for each command
  • dict – user defined values
  • int – a date (as a timestamp) to wait before assigning commands of the current task
addCommand(name, arguments)[source]

Manually add a command on the current node.

  • name – a custom name for this command
  • arguments – dict of arguments for the specific command
Call the task “decomposer”, a utility class that will generate one | or several command regarding decomposing method.
For instance given a start and end attributes, we will created a | sequence of command.
if the task has no decomposer defined (when user manually add | commands), simply “visit” the task
Returns:a ref to itself
dependsOn(task, statusList=[3])[source]

Create a dependency constraint between the current node and the given task at a particular status.

  • task – a task to dependsOn
  • statusList – a list of statuses to be reached (any of it) to validate the dependency

Updates the tag dicitonnary for this element.

Parameters:pTags – a dict of tags (with existing or new values)


class puliclient.Command[source]
The lowest level of execution of a graph. A command is basically a process
to instanciate on a worker node.
It will use the “runner” class of its parent task for its execution.

It consists of:
- a description
- a ref to its parent task
- a dict of arguments to use for execution (of the task’s runner)

A default runner can handle the following arguments:
- cmd: a string indicating a command line to execute
- timeout: a positive integer indicating the max number of second that the command can run before being interrupted